Hill Update: Republicans praise abortion architect and Obamacare is like...
ON THE FLOOR In a largely symbolic vote the Senate last week voted to allow President Obama to borrow $1.2 trillion more to operate a government that spent about 55 percent more than it collected in...
View ArticleMEMO FOR THE MOVEMENT: Obama “Recess” appointments Unwarranted, Unnecessary...
MEMO FOR THE MOVEMENT Obama “Recess” appointments Unwarranted, Unnecessary and Unconstitutional RE: On January 4, President Obama purported to appoint three individuals to be members of the...
View ArticleHill Update: Punishing Pain, Hollering Holder, Defending DOMA and Rewarding Roe
ON THE FLOOR The House will not be in session this week; Members will be home working in their districts during the Constituent Work Week. The House will come back into session on Monday, June 18th....
View ArticleBones of Contemption or Contempt of Congress? Get in Line!
Republican leaders said the House will vote next week to hold Attorney General Eric Holder Jr. in contempt of Congress. This comes on the heels of the Justice Department having to admit yesterday they...
View ArticleJudge Knot
Last week the Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) yielded back all remaining time on the judicial nominee Hurwitz post-cloture debate, and then confirmed the nomination by voice vote, without notifying...
View ArticleRaindrops keep falling on this judge
Senate Republicans blocked on a procedural vote Monday night an appeals court nomination, Robert Bacharach for the Tenth Circuit. Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said he would be the last to come...
View ArticleChangeWatch: Joe Biden, Vice President of the United States
PDF can be found here ChangeWatch POSITION: Vice President of the United States of America NOMINEE: Joseph Biden Born: Scranton, PA, November 20, 1942 Family: Wife, Jill Tract Jacobs, and four...
View ArticleReturn to Halligan Island (this time with no Harlem Globetrotters)
As mentioned in yesterday’s Daily Update the Senate is poised to once again vote on four time loser judicial nominee Caitlin Halligan. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Never really tells the truth)...
View ArticleNY Times calls a pedophile protector “moderate”?
In NRO Ed Whelan points out the obvious on the bias of the New York Times This house editorial in yesterday’s New York Times, titled “Courts Without Judges,” reflects the NYT editorial board’s usual...
View ArticleInjustice Kennedy’s Opinion
Last week, Justice Anthony Kennedy thundered like Jove to make us think that his opinion was the result of some exhaustive process of ratiocination beyond the ken of mere mortals. But his ruling is not...
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